Thursday, March 5, 2020

MtG Green Tutor Cards - How to Build a Faster Deck

MtG Green Tutor Cards - How to Build a Faster DeckThere are many different kinds of MtG Green Tutor cards out there. Each of them can be very specific in terms of what your deck looks like, what your overall strategy is, and so on. You need to decide first which sort of MtG Green Tutor deck you want to play before you look at the other decks.There are basically two different styles of this type of deck. These two are, well, generally considered to be 'popular' among MtG players.The first one is the fast one. You play a bunch of creatures, then you use your Green tutors to tutor up a bunch of creatures for yourself. You are trying to end the game as quickly as possible. You can get some quick wins if you are willing to throw down some big guys with haste.The second type of this deck is the slower, more controlling deck. This type of deck is most often found in the competitive tournaments.These are such decks. They are typically built to maximize your advantage each turn, making sure t hat you get the most from each of your spells and creatures. In this case, it's actually easier to win because you don't have to worry about any other players out there cheating you.So now that you know which kind of deck you want to build, you can start looking for the different types of MtG Green Tutor cards. I tend to lean toward the fast version since this is the one I'm used to playing. They are mostly just faster versions of the decks I'm familiar with, so I'm not sure which cards to buy or what your local stores have. I always try to go for the cheap cards when I do my search online.Green Tutor is a great tool to have in your arsenal. It can take you from mediocre to dominating a game in no time.

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